
“Should Western Democracies Build Barriers to Sharia Law?”

That’s the title of a Western Word Radio online radio program, which will be streaming live from 1:30 to 3:30 pm Eastern tomorrow (Sunday, December 12), and will available on the site after that. The details are available here, but the short summary is that the panel seems to be large and quite balanced:

Eugene Volokh (UCLA Law School); Kent [Greenawalt] (Columbia University) : Michael Helfand (Pepperdine University); David Yerushalmi (Center for Security Policy); Marion Boyd (former Attorney General Ontario, Canada); Douglas Murray ( Center for Social Cohesion, U.K.); Robin Shepherd ( Henry Jackson Society, U.K.); Christine Brim (Center for Security Policy, Washington D.C.); Lewis Moore, (Oklahoma State Assembly), Robert Spencer (Jihad Watch ) Anne Elisabeth Moutet (Jean Jacques Rousseau Institute, France), Patrick Sookhdeo, and Shaykh Faiz-ul-Aqtab Siddiqi

I much look forward to participating, and to hearing what my fellow panelists — left, right, and otherwise — have to say.

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