
Muslim Student’s Complaint, in Spain, Against Teacher Who Mentioned Ham as an Example?

So seems to report this El Mundo story, based on the machine translation that I read; but I’m always skeptical of such translations, and I’d love to see a quick summary from a Spanish-speaking reader. Thanks to Belkys Guerrero for the pointer.

UPDATE: A reader who knows Spanish passes along this translation of the heart of the article:

According to sources consulted, this [muslim high school] student did not gracefully accept the reference the professor made to the cold climate of Tevelez, in Granada province, which climate favors the curing of the (serrano) ham, a typical product of the region.

[N.B. “Serrano” means from the Sierra Nevada, the hills around Granada. Sierra (chain of hills or mountains_ Nevada (snowed on).]

The student asked that there be nothing said on the matter, owing to his religion, and after leaving class he commented on the matter in his home and to his parents who, without going to the school to discuss the matter with the professors, decided to file a complaint with the National Police and with the court….

The minister of the Presidency Ramo Jauregui, for his part, said on the morning talk show on Wave Zero that this complaint “cannot prosper in any case. Nothing else occurs to me. I think it is a baseless complaint.”

FURTHER UPDATE: I am told th

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