
Applications for the Koch Associate Program Due this Week – An Excellent Opportunity to Get Experience in the Libertarian Public Policy World

Applications for the Koch Associate Program are due this Thursday, and this is an opportunity that I think some of our readers might be interested in:

The Koch Associate Program is a challenging job opportunity in DC for professionals who are passionate about free-market ideas, and want to become more effective at advancing liberty throughout their careers. The Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation’s aim is to develop the capabilities of the Associates through the program by providing management training, professional development, and the knowledge and skills necessary to achieve their career potential.

Associates come from a wide range of backgrounds from recent college graduates to PhDs, former employees of the public and private sectors, and students of subjects from economics to communications. What distinguishes the Associates is the drive to effectively advance the ideas of liberty throughout their careers….

While in the program, each Associate works four days a week in a full-time position at a reputable non-profit organization in DC. Job opportunities are as diverse as Associates, and range from policy research to communication and public relations. Each position gives Associates valuable professional experience pursuing their talents and interests, with the opportunity to earn greater responsibility and expand their roles by performing well.

I don’t normally post information about job opportunities. But my wife did KAP in 2008-09 and had a great experience working for the National Federation of Independent Business Legal Center (NFIB, which represents small business interests, is much more pro-free market than most of the big business interest groups). I myself have lectured at the opening session of Koch Summer Fellows Program, and was very impressed with the quality of the participants. So I recommend both programs to people interested in libertarianism and public policy.

Although it’s only tangentially related to the KAP program, for those who may be interested, I addressed some of the ridiculous accusations against the Kochs in this post.

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