
The Horrible New Yahoo Calendar

I just got a new smartphone.  In the process I was involuntarily “upgraded” to the new Yahoo calendar–which has to be among the most aesthetically gruesome and operationally dysfunctional pieces of garbage that I have ever experienced.  What could they possibly have been thinking?  And, of course, they don’t enable you to continue to use the “classic” calendar, so I’m stuck.  Yahoo’s comment boards are deluged with complaints about the new calendar and so I had read how horrible it is and so had made a conscious effort to avoid the “upgrade” (including a few close calls where I almost got tagged) but wasn’t able to dodge the bullet this time.

Anyway, anyone have a suggestion for a good free online calendar that I should migrate to?  I don’t need anything fancy, but what I liked about the old Yahoo calendar was that I could (1) see all my appointments for every day in “month” display mode and (2) it showed the location/address for an appointment right with the appointment.  I liked the much simpler visual aesthetics too but I assume that’s somewhat a matter of personal taste.  I’ve heard that Google Calendar is good–is that my best bet?  Is there anything that will make it possible to automatically move all my appointments over into whatever new calendar I switch to?

I’ve been using Yahoo calendar quite happily for years now–talk about “fixing” something that wasn’t broken.

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