Forthcoming Kuwait Blasphemy Law with Death Penalty Provision

The Kuwait News Agency reports:

Minister of Justice and Minister of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs Jamal Ahmad Al-Shihab confirmed Thursday that the government would not reject the anti-blasphemy bill… “Freedom of expression does not mean defaming or offending sanctities of nations,” Al-Shihab said…. The first [provision, passed Thursday by the National Assembly,] makes insulting or mocking God and His Prophets and Messengers, Holy Quran, Prophet Mohammad and his wives punishable by death, if the offenders insisted on the crime and refused to declare his repentance. The same punishment is applied to those who describe themselves as new prophets or messengers from God.

For non-Muslims, the punishment would be up to 10 years in prison; for those who repent, the punishment would be up to 5 years or a fine of up to 10,000 Kuwaiti dinars. Thanks to Prof. Howard Friedman (Religion Clause) for the pointer.

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