
Upcoming Talks

Tomorrow I’ll be moderating a panel on “The President’s Power to Implement International Law after Medellin v. Texas” at a conference on Presidential Power, Foreign Affairs and the 2012 Election at the Case Western Reserve University School of Law. The conference will be webcast and speakers include Jack Goldsmith, Amos Guiora, Leila Sadat, Gregory Noone, Melissa Waters, and Michael Newton, among others. The full agenda is here.

Thursday, September 13, I will be delivering the Koch Lecture on Environment at Freedom at the University of Maine at Machias. the talk is part of a series of lectures on the Precautionary Principle. The lecture is at 4pm in Kimball Hall.

Monday, September 17, I will be delivering a Constitution Day lecture on the Supreme Court at Youngstown State University. The lecture will be at 1pm in DeBartolo Hall.

Tuesday, September 18, I will be speaking at the Cato Institute’s annual Constitution Day symposium in Washington, D.C. I will be speaking on due process and Sackett v. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, summarizing my forthcoming article on Sackett in the Cato Supreme Court Review.

Monday, September 24, I will be speaking at a conference on “Conservative Visions of Our Environmental Future” sponsored by the Duke Environmental Law & Policy Forum at Duke Law School. Dan Farber previewed the conference here.

Tuesday, September 25, I will be speaking before the Duke Law School student chapter of the Federalist Society on health care reform litigation.

Friday, September 28, I will be speaking at a Columbia Law School conference on NFIB v. Sebelius.

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