VC Bloggers in New Orleans: At the AALS, Fed Soc Faculty Conference, and a Bar

Several VC bloggers will be speaking in New Orleans this weekend, and a bunch of law bloggers and their readers will be meeting at a bar. Here’s the info, for those interested:

First, at the AALS conference, three bloggers are speaking:

1) Eugene Volokh will speak Saturday morning from 8:30 – 10:15 AM on the panel “Me @ the Zoo: Privacy, Celebrity, and Modern Media.”
2) I will speak Saturday afternoon from 1:30- 3:15 PM on the panel “Technology and Crime: The Future of the Fourth Amendment in Public”
3) Randy Barnett will speak on Sunday afternoon from 4:00 – 5:45 PM on the panel “Looking Forward After NFIB v. Sebelius.”

Second, at the Federalist Society’s Faculty Conference, four bloggers will be moderating or speaking:

1) Randy Barnett will moderate a panel on Friday from 1:00 to 2:30 pm on “Judicial Deference v. Judicial Engagement.”
2) Eugene Volokh and James Lindgren will moderate/comment on Friday from 2:45 p.m. – 4:45 p.m. for the Young Legal Scholars Paper Presentations
3) Nicholas Quinn Rosenkranz will participate in a debate on Saturday from 11am to 1pm on the subject, “Resolved: Congress’s Enumerated Powers Cannot be Increased by Treaty.”

Finally, law bloggers and law blog readers attending the AALS are invited to get together at Whiskey Blue at the W Hotel at 10pm on Saturday night for drinks. Thanks to Dan Markel of Prawfs for organizing this.

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