
Max Boot Guest-Blogging

I’m delighted to say that Max Boot of the Council on Foreign Relations will be blogging about his just-released book, Invisible Armies: an Epic History of Guerrilla Warfare from Ancient Times to the Modern Day. Readers interested in his general conclusions about the role of guerrilla warfare in history can turn to an excerpt, The Guerrilla Myth: Lessons of Insurgency We Seem Unable to Learn, which ran on the front-page of the Wall Street Journal Review section this past Saturday. Invisible Armies, though, is no dry political-science tract; instead, it’s a rip-roaring historical narrative that has been praised by Sir Lawrence Freedman in Foreign Affairs for its “lively writing and sharp characterizations” and by Michael Korda in the Daily Beast for being “as readable as a novel.” I much look forward to Max’s posts.

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