As some of you have guessed, my family had to cut our stay in Lima, Peru short. Everything’s fine, but we had some medical issues that were better treated in the U.S. So, I’m back in Virginia. It was too late to undo my academic leave for 2013-14, however, so I’ll be on leave from George Mason for the coming academic year. Unless something comes up for the Spring, I’ll be taking the year off from teaching with the exception of a mini-course that I’ll likely be teaching at another law school.
This will give me the chance, hopefully, to work on some academic and (especially) non-academic (and non-law) projects I’ve been putting off, and to spend some extra time with my kids, especially the 10 month old. I’m going to try to resist the temptation to over-blog.
It also means that my schedule is very flexible this year, so I’m open to speaking invitations and the like–Lochner, affirmative action after Fisher, civil rights vs. civil liberties, Israel vs. the NGOs, junk science and the law, anything within my competence.