
Spell Checker for Legal Documents?

Is there a good spell checker that’s optimized for legal documents? I have in mind features such as:

  • ignoring brackets, as in “revers[ing]” or “[w]here”;
  • allowing a word to be viewed as correctly spelled in italicized text (usually a case name) without treating it as correctly spelled in normal text;
  • automatically recognizing common terms in citations as correctly spelled;
  • and other goodies that I haven’t even thought of but that could make spell-checking more efficient — i.e., with fewer false negatives and false positives — for legal documents.

Of course, the spell checker should also have a built-in dictionary of legal terms, but that’s not the main feature I’m looking for. I’d much prefer something that works with Microsoft Word, but I’ll take a standalone program or a feature of some other word processor, if it reads Word documents or if conversion is easy enough. Any suggestions?

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