
Upcoming Talks

I have not been blogging much of late; there’s too much on my plate.  I am, however, giving a few talks in the next few weeks that may be of interest to VC readers.

Tomorrow, November 5, I’ll be speaking about the NLRB v. Noel Canning case before the Federalist Society student chapter at the Villanova University School of Law.  The talk is at noon in room 103.

On Friday, November 8, I’ll be speaking at the Ten-Year Anniversary Symposium of GMU’s Journal of Law, Economics & Policy.  The symposium is on “The Unique Contributions of Armen Alchian, Robert Bork, and James Buchanan to the George Mason University School of Law,” and I will be speaking on Judge Bork’s approach to commercial speech. Other speakers include Judge Douglas Ginsburg, FTC Commissioner Joshua Wright, Northwestern’s John McGinnis, and the VC’s own Todd Zywicki. The full agenda is here.

Next week, on Thursday, November 14, I’ll be speaking on a panel about “Clean Air Act, Greenhouse Gases, and Cooperative Federalism” at the Second Annual Searle Center Conference on Federalism and Energy at Northwestern. The full agenda is here.

Then on Saturday, November 16, I’ll be in D.C. to speak at the Federalist Society’s 2013 National Lawyers Convention. I’ll be participating in that morning’s administrative law panel on “Executive Branch Gone Wild? 21st Century Checks and Balances” with West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey and Professors Rachel Barkow (NYU), David Schoenbrod (NYLS) and Jonathan Turley (GWU).  Rumor has it, a new book featuring VC authors will also be available at some point during the convention.

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