
A Recount in Virginia?

CNN reports on a possible election recount in Virginia:

The Republican in Virginia’s attorney general race will request a recount after the official results released Monday showed state Sen. Mark Obenshain behind Democratic state Sen. Mark Herring by a razor-thin margin of about .007%.

Obenshain lost by 165 votes out of 2.2 million, marking the closest statewide race in Virginia’s history. . . .

If a candidate loses by less than 1% in Virginia, he or she is allowed to petition the Board of Elections for a recount after the votes are certified. And because the margin was less than .5%, the counties involved in the recount will cover the costs.

A three-judge court, sitting in Richmond, Virginia, will supervise the recount. It will also set the dates and terms of the recount, and confirm the officers of election and coordinators for the recount, according to Obenshain’s campaign.

Bring on the lawyers.

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