
Last Chance to Vote for the 2014 Privies — Plus Sebelius v. Reding for Privacy Hypocrite of the Year

Ksebelius VRedingVoting for the 2014 Privy Awards for Dubious Achievement in Privacy Law will close at noon EST tomorrow, January 1, 2014.  You can read the nominations here, and cast your vote here.

There are still some tight races, whether in voting by the public or by privacy professionals.  But there are differences between the two groups.  The most interesting difference concerns the crucial vote for “Privacy Hypocrite of the Year.”  Among the public, the top two contenders are Rep. James Sensenbrenner, for deliberately skipping classified briefings and then complaining that he wasn’t told about NSA’s classified program, and Sec. Kathleen Sebelius, for launching healthcare.gov without any of the security features her Department has penalized private health companies for failing to implement.

But among privacy professionals, the race for top honors is between Secretary Sebelius and a little-known Brussels bureaucrat, European Commissioner (and Vice President) Viviane Reding, who is notorious for trying to regulate US intelligence activities while admitting that she has no authority to regulate European intelligence agencies.

The votes of privacy professionals are weighted more heavily precisely to give obscure but outrageous abusers of privacy law a fair shot at winning, so privacy professionals with strong views on whether Commissioner Reding deserves the prize need to weigh in now.

You have only 24 hours to make your vote count.

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