
ABA Teleforum on Recess Appointments Friday

If you haven’t yet heard enough from me about Noel Canning and recess appointments — or if you want to actually hear me talk rather than just read me — I will be doing a teleforum for the American Bar Association on the case on tomorrow morning at 11:30 EST. (You could catch much of it before leaving for to see co-blogger Nick’s debate at Cato.)

I will be discussing it with Doug Kendall of the Constitutional Accountability Center, an important organization that argues that the text and history of the Constitution can be used to support progressive causes. Kendall and the Center also filed an amicus brief in Noel Canning (supporting the executive branch’s position).

At any rate, this flyer contains the details for those interested. To get the call-in number you need to sign up in advance, but you don’t need to be an ABA member (or a lawyer) — you can just leave that part of the form blank.

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