The Emboldenment of the Right in Israel:

During the war in Lebanon last year, Ilya wrote a post to the effect that those on the Left who support a two-state solution and territorial compromise on Israel’s part should support Israel in its war, and not demand an immediate ceasefire. After all, Israel withdrew to the internationally recognized boundary with Lebanon, and still faced attacks from Hezbollah, and also withdrew from Gaza, and continued to face attacks emanating from Gaza from various Palestinian groups. If Israel could not successfully defend its borders, with international support, after such withdrawals, the political tide in Israel would turn against further withdrawals.

Israel, of course, did not, to say the least, receive support from the international left, or from the world more generally, in its war in Lebanon. The war, while not a military defeat, was a diplomatic and strategic fiasco. Surprise, surprise, this has emboldened the far right in Israel, and left the Israeli left rather emfeebled in opposing them.

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