Fred Thompson on Federalism:

Former Senator and Quite-Possibly-Soon-Presidential-Candidate Fred Thompson is making some sounds that will please a lot of readers here at the VC in this essay on the importance of federalism. The topic: Thompson’s Senate votes against federal tort reform. From the conclusion:

Adhering to the principles of federalism is not easy. As one who was on the short end of a couple of 99-1 votes, I can personally attest to it. Federalism sometimes restrains you from doing things you want to do. You have to leave the job to someone else — who may even choose not to do it at all. However, if conservatives abandon this valued principle that limits the federal government, or if we selectively use it as a tool with which to reward our friends and strike our enemies, then we will be doing a disservice to our country as well as the cause of conservatism.

  For some VC posts on these same questions, see this post by me and this response from Eugene back in 2004.

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