Handy Aramaic phrases to use while watching The Passion of the Christ, from The Guardian (U.K.) (thanks to Michael Klein for the pointer):

Its alleged anti-semitism isn’t the only problem with Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ. There’s also the small matter of it being in Aramaic. To help enrich your enjoyment, here is a handy glossary of useful terms . . .

B-kheeruut re’yaaneyh laa kaaley tsuuraathaa khteepaathaa, ellaa Zaynaa Mqatlaanaa Trayaanaa laytaw!
It may be uncompromising in its liberal use of graphic violence, but Lethal Weapon II it ain’t.

Da’ek teleyfoon methta’naanaak, pquud. Guudaapaw!
Please turn off your mobile phone. It is blasphemous.

Shbuuq shuukhaaraa deel. Man ethnaggad udamshaa?
Sorry I’m late. Have I missed any scourging?

. . .

Ma’hed lee qalleel d-Khayey d-Breeyaan, ellaa dlaa gukhkaa.
It sort of reminds me of Life of Brian, but it’s nowhere near as funny.

. . .

There’s much more.

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