Canadian Islamic Congress Website Reveals Its Views.–

The Canadian Islamic Congress (CIC) has filed human rights complaints against Maclean’s for publishing an excerpt from Mark Steyn’s America Alone.

The lawyer who filed the complaint, Faisal Joseph, explained his motivations:

“Muslims in this country are getting tired of this,” said Joseph, who is representing the congress [CIC]. “What we’ve noticed since Sept. 11 is that some media out there are publishing false and misleading information and it’s gone from talking about Islamic extremists or terrorists to linking the religion to criminality. These kinds of mistruths can cause a backlash . . . (and) deeper divisions between Muslims and non-Muslims.”

From a quick perusal of the CIC website, it is interesting how much information the CIC puts forward that Steyn might have made part of his argument. The biggest differences are that the CIC sees increasing Islamic influence positively and Steyn sees it negatively.

In the last story from CIC’s website above, they report bringing Yvonne Ridley and “her campaign against the West” to speak at fundraising dinners for the CIC.

The other pieces from the CIC website quoted above assert in part that:

A. Muslims are “the fastest-growing religious and cultural group.”

B. “Perhaps the biggest challenge facing 21st-century Canada . . . [is that] more than half of our new immigrants come from non-Christian nations.”

C. “[A]mong the major non-Christian religions, Islam is one that does not make a formal distinction between the secular and spiritual life . . . .”

D. “A staggering 90% of Canadian Muslims are foreign-born.”

E. “Canadian Muslims . . . have forever changed the professional and technological landscape of our nation.”

F. The traditional populations of European countries are declining as birthrates fall and they must now focus on attracting new immigrants to preserve their economies and infrastructures.”

G. “Islamic schools . . . are publicly funded in British Columbia, Manitoba, Alberta and Quebec.”

H. “An overwhelming majority of women representing the mainstream Muslim community support faith-based schools. In fact, Muslim mothers usually insist on Islamically educating their children . . . .”

I hope that the CIC’s complaint is made available online, so that we can see which factual mistatements Faisal Joseph is referring to. It would seem that Steyn’s opinions and attitudes are the primary insults to Islam and Muslims.

UPDATE: As noted by a Thomas Holsinger in the comments, Mark Steyn has now posted at The Corner that “Anyone interested in reading in full the Canadian Islamic Congress’ case against me and my Maclean’s colleagues can find it here.”

Steyn then links the Report that I analyzed, not a human rights complaint. Also, Steyn’s article is just one of 19 articles or columns criticized in the Report. Are the human rights complaints based on just one article or on all 19?

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