Lesson #1 About the Law — What You Did Was Against It;

Title #2 — “Ayn Rand Would Not Have Approved”: PhillyBurbs.com reports:

An aspiring attorney is in trouble with the law, accused of trying to cheat his way into a better law school.

Kevin Siangchin, 30, of North Plainfield, N.J., was arrested Thursday and charged with trying to bribe an employee of the Law School Admissions Council in Newtown Township to sell him an advance copy of the Law School Admission Test for $5,000.

Siangchin allegedly took the standardized test, which is required to get into law school, twice before and wanted to take it again to improve his score….

Siangchin, an engineer, used the name John Galt on the e-mail [to an LSAC employee whom he was trying to persuade to leak him a copy of the test]. John Galt is a character in the Ayn Rand novel “Atlas Shrugged” ….

According to police, Siangchin told detectives [who eventually arrested him] that he knew he was doing something wrong but that he “really wanted a good score.” …

After his arrest, Siangchin asked detectives for his money back, police reports said….

The story also reports that “Siangchin is charged with potential to change the world,” but I’m pretty sure that this is because a block of text was inadvertently repeated. (By the time you read this, the glitch might have been fixed.)

Thanks to Sebastian (Snowflakes In Hell) for the pointer.

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