New addition:

A while ago, when our esteemed colleagues over at Crooked Timber added the learned and witty John Holbo and Belle Waring to their ranks, I noted that this gave CT 15 members, as against 14 Conspirators. I now realize that the count of 14 was based on the roll to in the left-hand sidebar– a roll that includes Benjamin as a full member. That’s fine from a superstition point of view; after all, little Bilbo was asked to join Thorin’s party primarily to avoid its having 13 members. But I’m not sure we should count on Benjamin to suit up for the rugby match.

“The last part of which is completely irrelevant, as was the whole thing, I guess, except as a rather sneaky way of getting” to a welcome-to-the-world note to Violet Mai Holbo. (See naming discussion here.) She and big sister Zoe Snowden may remain off the Crooked Timber roster (they must be ageists over there), but they’re fortunate enough to have parents with a separate blog of their own where they can post pictures of babies who look like Jack Kirby characters.

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