“Waterboarding Used to Be a Crime”:

Judge Evan Wallach — former JAG, renowned expert on the law of war, and designer of this web site on the subject — provides a history lesson on the U.S. government’s treatment of waterboarding in today’s Washington Post:

The United States knows quite a bit about waterboarding. The U.S. government — whether acting alone before domestic courts, commissions and courts-martial or as part of the world community — has not only condemned the use of water torture but has severely punished those who applied it. . . .

We know that U.S. military tribunals and U.S. judges have examined certain types of water-based interrogation and found that they constituted torture. That’s a lesson worth learning. The study of law is, after all, largely the study of history. The law of war is no different. This history should be of value to those who seek to understand what the law is — as well as what it ought to be.

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