Reader Poll on Allowing the Death Penalty To Punish the Rape of A Child:

In light of the Supreme Court’s recent decision to hear a case on whether states can impose the death penalty for rape of a child, I am curious about reader opinion on such laws. So here’s a reader poll. Imagine your state is considering a law to allow a jury to impose the death penalty for a defendant who rapes a child. Now answer the following question:

Which of the following positions best describes your view — both as a matter of policy and of constitutional law — on a state law allowing the imposition of the death penalty for rape of a child?
I would support this law as a matter of policy and I think it is constitutional.
I would support it as a matter of policy and I do not know if it is constitutional.
I would support it as policy although I think it is unconstitutional.
I would be against it as a matter of policy and I think it is unconstitutional.
I would be against it as a matter of policy and I do not know if it is constitutional.
I would be against it as a matter of policy although I think it is constitutional.
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