Detroit Event on 2008 Election and the Supreme Court:

Tomorrow evening I will be participating in a panel discussion on “The 2008 Election and the Role of the Supreme Court,” at Wayne State University. The event is sponsored by the Michigan Lawyers Chapter of the Federalist Society. Here is their description of the event:

There is a strong possibility of near-term vacancies on the United States Supreme Court. In light of this, what is the proper consideration of the role of the United States Supreme Court and the 2008 Presidential election? A panel of legal experts will discuss the importance of the respective roles of the President and Congress in the nomination and confirmation of judges. They will consider: What is the proper role of the courts in American politics? What has been the historic role of judicial selection issues in presidential campaigns? How have the leading presidential candidates discussed their perspectives on judicial philosophy and nominations?

Also slated for the panel is David Leitch, former Deputy White House Counsel. More details here.

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