Law Schools that Offer Courses in Computer Crime Law:

I’m trying to put together a list of law schools that offer courses in Computer Crime Law. I’m interested either in schools that offer the course every year or schools that have offered it in the last year or two, either as a seminar or a class. Here’s a list of schools that I’m pretty sure are on the list, together with links to the course descriptions where I could find them:

Georgetown (2 courses)
University of Washington
University of Chicago
North Carolina
University of Mississippi
University of Oregon
University of Dayton
George Washington
University of Pennsylvania
University of Detroit – Mercy
Thomas Cooley
Lewis & Clark
Widener – Wilmington

  I’m hoping readers who know of such classes (or even took or taught them) but are not on this list can fill in other schools that offer the course in the comment thread or else send me an e-mail with the information.

  I should add that there are several other law schools that have offered the course within the last five years or so, including Harvard, Columbia, and NYU; several schools that teach courses that are similar but not quite the same (like Mason‘s class on cyberterrorism); and several institutions other than law schools that offer the course. However, I’m trying to stick to law schools that have offered the class in the last two years (or will offer it soon, if there are schools that recently added the class to the curriculum). Thanks!

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