How Do These Here Newfangled “Blog” Things Change A Lawyer’s Handling Of A High-Profile Case?

A week from today, I’ll be giving a talk to a group of North Carolina attorneys at a Continuing Legal Education program on the topic “High Profile Cases in NC: Constitutional, Ethical and Strategic Implications.” (Can’t imagine why anyone in North Carolina would be interested in high-profile cases these days, but hey, whatever.)

My talk will be on “How New Media Are Changing the Definition of High Profile.” Lawyers will be interested in hearing about the risks and benefits that the new media (blogging, vlogging, podcasting, etc.) present for a lawyer who is handling a case with a high public profile.

One of the best ways I can think of to illustrate to lawyers the power of this “new medium” is to use it.

So, new media readers and writers, tell me: what sorts of impacts are the “new media” having on high profile cases? What does a lawyer today need to know about? Worry about? Keep track of? How can a lawyer ethically use new media to his client’s benefit?

We all know about the Duke Lacrosse case, of course, and the important impacts of bloggers’ work on the way the case unfolded. What other examples are out there?

(Many, many thanks to Eugene for allowing me to post this query here. I’d have done it at my own blog, but my comments are broken, and, well, I think the VC gets just a few more hits than mine.)

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