Update on the Petition for Certiorari in Pearson v. Callahan:

Back in December, I posted the petition for certiorari in Pearson v. Callahan, No. 07-751, a Fourth Amendment and qualified immunity case that I have been working on for the Petitioners. Here’s the latest on the case.

  First, the law firm of Covington & Burling is now representing the Respondent. The Counsel of Record for the Respondent is Robert A. Long, the Chair of Covington’s Supreme Court practice and a former clerk for Justice Powell who has argued 14 cases before the Supreme Court.

  Second, there has been a round of briefing since the Petition was filed. On February 6, Counsel for the Respondent filed this Brief in Opposition to our Petition (.pdf, 23 pages). Finally, just today we filed this Reply Brief (.pdf, 11 pages) in response.

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