Castro’s Dictatorship and Cuban Health Care:

Cuban communism may be repressive, but at least it provides good health care. This is a common trope of left-wing apologias for Castro’s brutal dictatorship. This claim is getting recycled yet again in the wake of Castro’s recent resignation (e.g. here). One response to this point is that of liberal Berkeley economist Brad DeLong: Cuba would likely have a much higher standard of living (and better health care) today had it not gone communist in 1959. As DeLong documents, Cuba in the 1950s was one of the richest countries in Latin America and rapidly approaching Western European standards of living and health outcomes. Under communism, it became one of the poorest nations in the Western hemisphere – despite receiving vast quantities of heavily subsidized oil from the Soviet Union for decades. Taking Cuban official statistics at face value (as DeLong does), Cuban health outcomes and standards of living are roughly similar to those of Mexico and the Dominican Republic. In the 1950s, DeLong notes, Cuba was vastly better off than these countries and, on some measures (such as infant mortality) better than many Western European nations.

But there is an even more basic problem with the “at least Castro improved health care” excuse: it assumes that official Cuban government health care statistics are accurate. I find that assumption highly improbable. A government that brutally represses dissent and executed over 100,000 political prisoners out of a population of just 6.3 million is unlikely to be above falsifying its official statistics in order to improve its image. That was certainly common practice in other communist societies, including those which Castro used as models for his own.

When the Iron Curtain fell in Eastern Europe, scholars rapidly determined that official Soviet and East European statistics were routinely falsified to burnish the communist regimes’ public image. As this foolishly credulous 1973 Time article noted, official East German stats indicated that, by 1970, East Germany had a higher standard of living than Italy and was rapidly closing in on Britain. Anybody with even the slightest familiarity with actual East German living standards knows how far such communist claims were from reality.

How bad is Cuban health care really? I don’t know. Probably no one will know until the regime finally falls and honest data can be collected. For now, it’s at least worth noting that the government health care clinics available to ordinary Cubans (those not members of the government elite) look like this and this. It’s also worth noting that if Cuban living standards and health care really were as good as the government claims, it’s unlikely that millions of Cubans would have risked their lives to flee the country – not only for the wealthy United States, but even for such far poorer destinations as Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic. It’s especially telling that many Cuban refugees prefer even Haiti (the one Latin American nation that probably really is poorer than Cuba) to life under Castro. The evidence of people risking their lives to vote with their feet is a lot more compelling than the Cuban government’s dubious health statistics.

UPDATE: I am aware that some of the data on Cuban health care comes from the United Nations and other international organizations. However, the UN and the others depend on information provided by the Cuban government. You can’t do independent data collection in a totalitarian dictatorship. Thus, the UN numbers are derivative of Cuban official statistics.

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