Sleep Less. Think More:

The Institute for Humane Studies at George Mason University has just extended the deadline for its famed Liberty & Society summer seminars. IHS is also offering a $10 credit at Laissez Faire Books if you apply now. I started teaching in these seminars when they were founded in 1980. At the time, I was still a prosecutor in Chicago and took vacation time to write my lectures and go to the University of Dallas to speak. The intellectual intensity of the seminar contributed to my leaving practice and entering teaching shortly thereafter. There is no “party line” at these seminars; disagreement is encouraged. Perhaps the main guiding principle is that classical liberalism provides a set of intellectual problem-solving tools, rather than a catechism of predigested answers. Applications are here. This year’s Liberty & Society seminars are:

June 28 – July 4, 2008
Bryn Mawr College (Philadelphia, PA)

July 12 – 18, 2008
Vanderbilt University (Nashville, TN)

June 7 – 13, 2008
Wake Forest University (Winston-Salem, NC)

If you are a student, or know one who is interested in exploring the subject of liberty, check out the IHS website. You can also view a video on the seminars:

And this video tells you more about IHS:

Other summer IHS seminars are listed here. I will be teaching at the Advanced Studies seminar being held at DePaul in Chicago on July 5th-11th.

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