Where the Justices Lived in 1932:

A few years ago, I bought a copy of The Literary Digest’s Political Cyclopedia (1932), a book of political and statistical information on the state of the U.S. Government and major political questions of the day. The book includes the home addresses of most of the government officials it names, including all the members of Congress, the Justices of the Supreme Court, and even the DC U.S. Attorney’s Office.

  I thought readers familiar with the DC area might be interested in knowing where the Justices of 1932 lived (all addresses are in Northwest DC):

Chief Justice Charles Evan Hughes, 2223 R Street
Justice Willis Van Devanter, 2101 Connecticut Ave.
Justice James Clark McReynolds, The Rochambeau
Justice Louis Dembitz Brandeis, 2205 California Ave.
Justice George Sutherland, 2029 Connecticut Ave.
Justice Pierce Butler, 1229 19th Street
Justice Harlan F. Stone, 2340 Wyoming Ave.
Justice Owen J. Roberts, 1401 31st Street
Justice Benjamin Cardozo, The Mayflower

  I don’t know where the Rochambeau was, but it seems like about half the Justices lived within a few blocks of each other in the very tony Kalaroma Triangle area.

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