Recent Graduate Publishes in Top 20 Law Journal:

I’m delighted to say that Scott Keller, who just graduated from Texas last year and is clerking for Judge Kozinski this year, has had his new article — How Courts Can Protect State Autonomy from Federal Administrative Encroachment — accepted by the Southern California Law Review, through the normal competitive submission process. This reminds me of Randy Kozel, who had his excellent Reconceptualizing Public Employee Speech accepted by the Northwestern Law Review four years ago, when he was also a freshly minted law school graduate (and Kozinski clerk). I’m sure there are quite a few other examples, too, that I don’t know about.

So, a congratulations to Scott, and a reminder that recent graduates can indeed get their scholarship published, even in top journals. I suppose the “Clerk to Judge Alex Kozinski” in the author’s note can’t hurt in the submission process, but I’m pretty sure that it won’t itself make that much of a difference — if you have an excellent piece, you can get it published in a prominent journal even if you don’t have an appellate clerkship.

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