Government Stupidity:

Former Treasury Department officials Ernest Christian and Gary Robbins write:

Last August, the government lost track of six nuclear warheads that ended up in cruise missiles affixed to the wings of B-52 bombers flying over American cities. The Federal Emergency Management Agency recently spent $2.7 billion to purchase 145,000 formaldehyde-soaked house trailers. They were for use by people who’d lost their homes when levees designed by the Army Corps of Engineers broke and flooded New Orleans. The FBI is currently forcing its most skilled and experienced antiterrorism field supervisors to accept “promotions” to paper-shuffling jobs in Washington.

But the millions of inanities that occur daily throughout the government’s world-wide empire are mere trifles compared to its big-ticket failures.

What kind of government forces people to make gasoline out of food, artificially boosts the price of corn to $6 a bushel, guarantees that inflated price as the “base” for higher federal subsidies to corn farmers in the future, and then tries to hide its own depredations by excluding high food prices from its measure of “core” inflation?

Washington never learns from its mistakes.

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