Some Dudes in Trouble at Colorado College:

This parody of this newsletter has led to this result at Colorado College.

What the controversy really illustrates is the absurdity of campus speech codes, which as content-based restrictions on speech simply will not be applied equally. So you get the absurd sorts of results that we see in this case. The “Monthly Rag” refers to male castration. The “Monthly Bag” happens to refer to a sniper rifle and sex in the same publication–not together, but as an obvious parody of “guy stuff.” The former is apparently ok. The latter was “received as a threat by members of the Colorado College community.”
The college president sent out a flash email requesting the dudes to come forward. As a result of all of this, the “dudes” have been found “responsible for violating the student code of conduct policy on violence under the college value of Respect.”

Check out this letter from the Colorado College Dean of Students, a classic illustration of Deanspeak. The Dean has given the dudes an opportunity to abase themselves publicly through a “forum for a dialogue about the issues and questions… raised with the posting of ‘The Monthly Bag.'” The Dean adds, “Please make sure that this forum happens before the end of Block 8.” Apparently the Colorado College Board of Trustees has already wimped out on standing up for free speech.

Wouldn’t it be better just to repeal these speech codes and adopt the First Amendment as the governing standard for speech on college campuses? “The Monthly Bag” would be obviously protected speech under the First Amendment (as would “The Monthly Rag,” of course). The chilling effect of these sorts of incidents and the consistent pattern of their unequal application is manifest. And it seems to work just fine for public universities.

The indefatigable FIRE is on the case.

Via Phi Beta Cons.

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