Law Student Use of Adderall and/or Ritalin:

Here’s a poll for current or very recent law students: In your experience, how common is use of the prescription drugs Adderall and/or Ritalin among law students who do not have a prescription to try to boost performance either for studying or for exams? Please pick the answer that you think best describes use of these drugs at your law school:

How common is use of Adderall and/or Ritalin among law students who do not have a prescription to boost law school performance?
It is very rare or never happens.
Some students use them, but it is uncommon.
It is common, but fewer than half have used them.
About half of students have used them.
More than half have used them.
Most law students have used them.
Pretty much everybody does it.
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If none of these choices are accurate, please consider leaving a comment in the comment thread describing your perspective.

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