Panel on Stoneridge:

This year’s Stoneridge v. Scientific Atlanta is “probably the most important securities law case in the past decade” (in Jonathan Adler’s words); it’s far outside my field, but even I can tell that it’s a big deal.

In any case, Stanford’s Rock Center for Corporate Governance is holding what looks to be a first-rate panel on Stoneridge and its implications next Tuesday evening, April 8: It’s moderated by Stanford Law’s Joe Grundfest, and the panelists include Andrew Vollmer (SEC Deputy General Counsel), Prof. Jay Brown (Denver), Steven N. Williams (Cotchett, Pitre & McCarthy), and Timothy Bishop (my colleague at Mayer Brown, who was one of the winning lawyers in the case). If you’re interested in corporate law (or the Supreme Court and business more broadly), and are around the Bay Area, this is the event for you.

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