Airborne Settlement:

The makers of Airborne vitamin supplement have agreed to a $23.3 million class action settlement for false advertising. Though it’s now marketed as nothing more than an immune booster, the manufacturer used to advertise Airborne could prevent or cure the common cold, despite the lack of any real clinical evidence for such claims. Airborne’s makers did not make any concession of wrongdoing, though they will pay for ads telling consumers how to seek refunds. They’ve already launched a website with settlement details here.

The settlement may not end Airborne’s legal difficulties, however, as the Federal Trade Commission and several state attorneys general are continuing to investigate the company’s claims. For the time being, however, marketing experts apparently believe Airborne sales will remain strong.

Orac at Respectful Insolence, who first wrote about Airborne’s claims two years ago, has more here.

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