Just Like Mother Used To Make:

The Telegraph (UK) reports:

The owner of the Storchen restaurant in the exclusive Winterthur resort [in Switzerland] will improve his menu with local specialities such as meat stew and various soups and sauces containing at least 75 per cent of mother’s milk.

The owner is advertising for suppliers, “who will receive just over three pounds for 14 ounces of their milk.” Note that the milk “always needs to be mixed with a bit of whipped cream, in order to keep the consistency,” says the owner.

Legal or not?, you might ask. The answer:

“Humans as producers of milk are simply not envisaged in the legislation.

“They are not on the list of approved species such as cows and sheep, but they are also not on the list of the banned species such as apes and primates,” Rolf Etter of the Zurich food control laboratory said.

Thanks to my sister-in-law Hanah for the pointer.

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