Obama’s post-9/11 comments.–

The New Yorker story on Obama (the one with the offensive cover art) includes some of Barack Obama’s post-9/11 comments published in my neighborhood newspaper, The Hyde Park Herald. The blog Jammie Wearing Fool quotes from the New Yorker story (tip to Instapundit).

Since the New Yorker thought Obama’s words after the attack were important enough to quote, I thought I’d quote some similar (and at least as strong) language I found on Westlaw a few weeks ago, published in the October 17, 2001 Chicago Defender:

“Sen. Obama : Barriers ‘sad, symbols of fear.’”

The “ugly” barriers that have been erected outside of the Sears Tower, the Federal Building, the Daley Plaza and other city buildings in downtown Chicago following the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks are “sad, symbols of fear” and constant reminders of just how vulnerable America is, Sen. Barack Obama (D-13th) said Monday.

. . . [T]he fact that they are there is troubling to many, including Obama.

The story then quotes Obama at length, starting with his views on the security barriers:

“I think that is the saddest situation and after effect of the Sept. 11 tragedy other than the obvious loss of lives and families.”

“Those barricades are a symbol of the fear that people are experiencing. I recognize the need for such precautions, but my strong hope is that over time, we’re able to diminish the daily threat of violence and return to the sort of openness and freedom that is the hallmark of our society.”

”We’re engaged in a military operation. I don’t know how effective that operation is, but it’s absolutely vital that we pursue a military response and a criminal investigation to dismantle these organizations of violence that have cropped up.”

“We should also examine the foreign policies of the the U.S. to make sure that we occupy the moral high ground in these conflicts. In particular, we have to examine some of the root causes of this terrorist activity.”

“For nations like Afghanistan, Pakistan, Indonesia, or much of the Middle East, young men have no opportunities. The only education they are receiving is that provided to them by religious schools that may not provide them with a well-rounded view of the world.”

“They see poverty all around them and they are angry by that poverty. They may be suffering under oppressive and corrupt regimes and that kind of environment is a breeding ground for fanaticism and hatred.”

“It’s absolutely critical that the U.S. is engaged in policies and strategies that will give those young people and these countries hope and make it in their self-interest to participate and create modern, open societies like we have in the U.S.”

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