Establishment Clause Violation at Georgia Tech:

I missed this when the original opinion (Sklar v. Clough) came out in late April, but I think so did lots of others.

The Georgia Tech Safe Space training program materials (both printed handouts and Web materials) were apparently aimed at helping gays and lesbians feel comfortable and safe on campus, an eminently plausible goal. But they tried to accomplish this by taking stands on quintessentially theological questions — e.g., the true meaning of the Bible, and the “legitima[cy]” of various interpretations of “Biblical texts” — something the Establishment Clause has been read as prohibiting. Georgia Tech argued that the statements were student speech, not the university’s, but the court concluded that the statements were indeed the speech of “Georgia Tech’s own Office of Diversity Programs.”

For a case reaching a similar result, see Citizens for a Responsible Curriculum v. Montgomery County Public Schools (summarized at the link; I’m afraid the link to the full opinion is broken). For a discussion of a similar problem at UCLA, which I think I helped get taken down, see here.

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