Pro Bono Defense in United States v. Lori Drew:

I have blogged before about the remarkable case of United States v. Lori Drew, the so-called “MySpace suicide” case, in which the government is claiming that it is a federal crime to violate Internet Terms of Service. At the time, I had explained why I thought the prosecution was terribly misguided, and I mentioned that I had provided some informal advice to the defense.

  In the last two weeks, I have gone an important step further: I have formally joined Dean Steward, counsel for Lori Drew, as Drew’s co-counsel. My participation is pro bono, based on my strong sense that the government’s theory of the case poses a very real threat to civil liberties online. (Check out my 2003 article on the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act to see why.)

  In any event, I don’t plan to blog much about the case, but I did want to post some of the recently-filed legal documents in the case and just mention my involvement. The documents are below. As per my usual practice when blogging about pending litigation, I’ll keep the comment thread closed.

  1. Defense’s Court Ordered Supplement to Motions, filed October 6.
  2. Government’s Response to Court’s September 23 Inquiry, filed October 6.
  3. Defense’s Reply to Government’s Response to Pre-Trial Conference Order, filed October 20.

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