Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons

Last year I finally saw Jersey Boys in New York. It is a musical about the life of the 60s-70s group, The Four Seasons. The play tracks the origins, rise, and eventual demise of the group, which is a good plot device to present a whole lot of their songs. Upon seeing the play, I had 2 reactions.

First, the Four Seasons had an amazing number of hit songs that one still remembers and likes. Maybe more than any other American pop band, and certainly in the same league as the Beach Boys. Like Mama Mia: The Musical, these songs made a great musical too.

Second, while growing up in the 60s (I graduated high school in 1970), we knew a whole lot about the Beatles and their back story (think: Pete Best), and maybe something about the Beach Boys (though the mini-series bios were not to come until much later), but we knew next to nothing about the Four Seasons, except that at one point, the lead singer Frankie Valli got lead billing, which was not unusual before a group broke up. Little did I know that their story was interesting enough to make a musical out of–and it is. Even Joe Pesci is a character. Yes, THAT Joe Pesci. So Jersey Boys worked as a personal drama in addition to an excuse to listen to the songs.

Last week, I saw Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons in concert at the Orange County Performing Arts Center. The venue is spectacular and the main hall is enormous. The group filled the house for their single performance, which I have to think is partly attributable to the success of Jersey Boys.

Having seen many versions of 60s and 70s band revivals, I had no idea what to expect of this one. The most important question: Did Franki Vallie still have his voice, now that he must be in his 60s? The answer? You bet. He sounded just like he used to. Not only the falsetto but the other high non falsetto voice too. Complete range and strength. As for how he looked, I knew what to expect from his role on the Sopranos. He looked like a little Jersey mob guy. He gave a nice little “support our troops” talk in the middle too, which went over big the audience.

As for the Four Seasons, that was a surprise. They are now a four guy vocal and dance group (a la the Temptations and 4 Tops) who stand behind Valli (although everyone moves all around during the show), and who sing the harmonies expertly. Behind them is an excellent band including a horn section.

It was an awesome concert that everyone can enjoy, including but not limited to those of us from the era. So if you ever get a chance to see him–or Jersey Boys for that matter–do not hesitate to take the opportunity.

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