An Odd Sort of Age Restriction:

An 1800 bill that would have mandated the random selection of federal juries would have required that jurors be chosen by lot “by a child not exceeding ten years of age.” North Carolina law so provided as late as 1902. This was also a practice under some wills, for instance,

That my lands be divided into six equal parts, as near as can be done, by not less than three respectable freeholders, chosen by my executor. After being so divided, the tracts or divisions to be numbered and put into a box or hat and drawn out by a child not exceeding ten years old ….

See City Gazette, June 28, 1800; i>Moore v. Navassa Guano Co., 41 S.E. 293 (N.C. 1902); Evans v. Evans, 4 Rich. Eq. 334 (S.C. App. Eq. 1852).

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