Was Lochner Right?

On Friday, I will be giving a talk on “Was Lochner Right? Natural Rights and the Fourteenth Amendment” at a conference on Natural Rights and the Constitution sponsored by the The Tocqueville Forum on the Roots of American Democracy. I will share a panel at 11:15am with Princeton Professor Robert George. The conference is being held at the main campus of Georgetown and lasts from 9:30am to 3:30pm. Here is the program:

9:30am-11:00am Panel 1: The Origin and Nature of Natural Rights and the U.S. Constitution
Brian Tierney, Cornell University: Sources of the American Idea of Natural Rights: Some Competing Narratives
Robert Kraynak, Colgate University: Ordered Liberty at the American Founding: Natural Rights in Cultural Context
Respondent: Steven Brust, Georgetown University

11:00am- 11:15am Break


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