“Seven Jewish Children”:

This, new short play opened in London recently, and it’s hard to articulate how depraved it is without suggesting you first read the full dialogue. The essential “plot,” if you can call it that, is to show how Israeli Jews, deranged by their suffering in the Holocaust, gradually turn into alter-egos of the Nazis.

Not surprisingly, the Guardian loved it. The Times did not. The Guardian also defends the play against charges of anti-Semitism, because, the author writes, “I cleave strongly to the view that it is possible to be critical of Israel without being antisemitic.” Sure you can. But it’s rather harder to make that defense when you start your play with parents trying to reassure children caught up in in the Holocaust, and end with this (including lines that evoke classic blood libels):

Tell her about the family of dead girls, tell her their names why not, tell her the whole world knows why shouldn

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