“A Saudi Arabian Court Has Sentenced a 75-Year-Old Syrian Woman to 40 Lashes, Four Months Imprisonment and Deportation … for Having Two Unrelated Men in Her House,

according to local media reports,” reports CNN.

One of the men (age 24) stated that “he had the right to be there, because Sawadi had breast-fed him as a baby and was therefore considered to be a son to her in Islam, according to Al-Watan,” and “that his friend [also age 24] was escorting him as he delivered bread for the elderly woman.” One man “was sentenced to four months in prison and 40 lashes” and the other “to six months in prison and 60 lashes.” The Telegraph (UK) reports that one of the men, the one who had been breastfed, “was Mrs Sawadi’s late husband’s nephew.”

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