Ira Matetsky, Guest-Blogging:

I’m delighted to report that Ira Matetsky will be guest-blogging this week about Wikipedia. Mr. Matetsky is a lawyer in Manhattan, but since 2006 he has also been involved with Wikipedia. He began by writing articles on legal history and some other matters, but eventually got drawn into the governance of the site, first becoming an administrator (a technical term that he’ll define) and later being elected to the internal Arbitration Committee, which is the body that resolves user-conduct disputes. This week, he’ll give us a look under the hood of Wikipedia administration, and will discuss some of the legal, ethical, and practical issues involved in (and caused by) Wikipedia’s operation.

I should also note that I know Mr. Matetsky from having gone to math camp with him 30 years ago. I’m much looking forward to reading his posts.

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