ROTC at Harvard:

The Washington Times has a long editorial today calling for the return of ROTC to Harvard and recounting the distinguished record of military service at Harvard.

The Times also notes that the two petition candidates for the Harvard Board of Overseers, Harvey Silverglate and Bob Freedman both support the return of ROTC to campus:

Over the next few weeks, the Harvard alumni will be voting for candidates for the Board of Overseers. Two board candidates, Robert L. Freedman and Harvey A. Silverglate, have publicly backed the ROTC’s return to campus. We hope alumni will cast their ballots for these two candidates and any others who support ROTC’s full reinstatement.

Harvey and Bob also had an article in Forbes Magazine a few weeks back explaining the rationale for their candidacy. I know them both and think that they would be great Harvard Overseers.

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