Our Very Own Randy Barnett, on a Second Amendment Panel at the Brookings Institution:

The panel will be next Monday, from 10 am to 11:30 am at Brookings in D.C. (1775 Mass. Ave., NW, in the Falk Audotirum). The panelists are Randy; Josh Sugarmann, executive director of the Violence Policy Center; Jens Ludwig, professor of public policy at Georgetown University and nonresident senior fellow at Brookings; and Benjamin Wittes, guest scholar at Brookings. Stuart Taylor, a nonresident senior fellow at Brookings, a writer for National Journal and Newsweek, and one of my favorite political journalists, will be the moderator.

Wittes and Randy will, I think, endorse the individual rights view (Wittes might perhaps do it somewhat reluctantly, but that’s fine). Sugarmann will surely take the opposite view, and I imagine Ludwig, who is a criminologist who has generally come to pro-gun-restriction conclusions, will likely also endorse gun restrictions as a policy matter though I don’t know how much he’ll say about the Constitution. If you want come, please go here, or call 202-797-6105.

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