Father Knows Best?

This article in today’s Washington Post cracked me up. It is a story about all the bs answers that fathers make up when they don’t know the answers to their kids questions while visiting museums and other tourist sites in DC. My favorite:

John Adami would probably know exactly what McLean means when she laments a museum’s “intimidating mantle of authority.” The Denton, Tex., dad was visiting Washington’s museum row with his wife and five kids last week and had been fielding questions by the minute.

“It’s a humbling experience,” Adami said in front of the lunar landing display shortly after making a hash of explaining the Apollo programs. “It makes you question your intelligence after a while.”

He turned slightly away from the family. “I’ve even been making up my own words,” he said.

The story about the docent’s hotline at the end is pretty funny too.

In honor of Father’s Day, I invite all you dads out there to provide your best bs answers that you have given in response to one of your kid’s questions like those in the story–but only if you got away with it.

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