Thinkers vs. doers:

I will be a panelist at America’s Future Foundation‘s
Thinkers vs. Doers roundtable tonight at 6:30, Rayburn House Office Building, room B-354. Here’s their blurb:

Thinkers v. Doers roundtable this week…

Conservatives and libertarians share some core principles that guide their policy agendas, but once theorizing gives way to politics, compromise is the name of the game. We therefore often seem divided into two camps: “thinkers” and “doers.” Those of us who toil in the realm of ideas and ideals — policy wonks, journalists, academics — and those of us in the sausage-making trenches — politicians, staffers, lobbyists. “Thinkers” sometimes accuse “doers” of favoring the politically expedient over the principled, and being more concerned with winning an election or a vote than sticking to principles. “Doers,” meanwhile complain that “thinkers” are living in a bubble, oblivious to political reality. If you don’t get dirty, they say, you won’t make change. Who’s right and who’s wrong? Are they both sides of the same coin? Or is politics something apart from — and maybe opposed to — ideas?

Joining us to debate are former White House political strategist Raul Damas, Gene Healy of the Cato Institute, Georgetown Law Visiting Professor Sasha Volokh, and Sarah Longwell of Berman and Company. Brian Hooks of the Mercatus Center at George Mason University will moderate. This event will take on Wednesday, June 20th, on Capital Hill, in the Rayburn House Office Building, Room B-354. Drinks start at 6:30 p.m.; panel begins at 7 p.m. AFF Roundtables are free for members, $5 for non-members. So join today!

I know what you’re thinking: Capital Hill — isn’t that in the Australian Capital Territory? Plus, is a “Doer” more like a Manitoba politician or more like a South African settler? Regardless, see you there.

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