Ashcroft v. Raich Briefs Now Available On Line:

Now you can read the briefs for Respondents in Ashcroft v. Raich. I am very excited about our brief and am looking forward to the oral argument in the Supreme Court on November 29th. We are also supported by some very thoughtful and powerfully argued amicus briefs. The attorneys in the Solicitor General’s Office now have their work cut out for them in writing their reply, which is due just 11 days before the oral argument.

Merits Brief for the Respondents [this is the brief I co-authored]

Amici Curiae Brief in Support of Respondents from Constitutional Law Scholars [co-authored by law professors Ernie Young (Texas), Charles Fried (Harvard), David L. Shapir (Harvard), Steven G. Calabresi (Northwestern), Ilya Somin (George Mason), and Douglas Laycock (Texas)]

Amici Curiae Brief in Support of Respondents from the Institute for Justice
[co-authored by Professor Richard Epstein (Chicago)]

Amici Curiae Brief in Support of Respondents from the Cato Institute [co-authored by Professor Doug Kmiec (Pepperdine) who served Presidents Ronald Reagan and George Bush during 1985-89 as constitutional legal counsel (Assistant Attorney General, Office of Legal Counsel, U.S. Department of Justice).]

Amici Curiae Brief in Support of Respondents from the States of California, Washington, and Maryland [brief by three states who have authorized medical cannabis]

Amici Curiae Brief in Support of Respondents from the States of Alabama, Louisiana, and Mississippi [brief by three states where medical cannabis is still prohibited]

Amici Curiae Brief in Support of Respondents from the Reason Foundation [brief explaining how Californial medical cannabis laws work]

Amici Curiae Brief in Support of Respondents from the Marijuana Policy Project and Rick Doblin, Ph.D [brief describing how the federal government impedes scientific research into the medical benefits of cannabis.]

Amici Curiae Brief in Support of Respondents from Lymphoma Foundation of America; HIV Medicine Association of the Infectious Diseases Society of America; American Medical Students Association; Dr. Barbara Roberts; and Irvin Rosenfeld

Amici Curiae Brief in Support of Respondents from the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society; Pain Relief Network; California Medical Association; AIDS Action Council; Compassion in Dying Federation; End-of-Life Choices; National Women’s Health Network; Global Lawyers and Physicians; and AUTONOMY, Inc.

Amici Curiae Brief in Support of Respondents from the California Nurses Association and DKT Liberty Project

Amici Curiae Brief in Support of Respondents from the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML); The NORML Foundation; the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers; Washington Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers; and Oregon Criminal Defense Lawyers Association

Previous briefs by and for the government can be found here.

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